(Redirected from Projekte)
Don't be afraid to share what you're making! There are many good reasons to document your projects, for instance giving back to the community you've learned so much from. You never know, even the smallest bit of information might help someone who is completely stuck in a similar project - or maybe an interesting contest pops up and you'll already have everything ready to join...
To create a project page, simply begin the page title with Project:
- it will then automatically appear on this page. Please add a "ProjectInfoBox" as well to improve the linking of pages and maintain a principal structure. Below is a navigation gallery containing every project page with such an InfoBox!
Quick Projects
Instructions that will quickly enable you to produce a result - great for beginners! Check out "Category:Quick Projects".
Here are all our projects with a ProjectInfoBox
All Projects
- Project:Activity Board
- Project:Airlag Chess Figures
- Project:Airlag chess figures
- Project:Airqualitysensor
- Project:Apartment Shoe Rack
- Project:Aquarium Edge Illumination
- Project:ArcadeMachine
- Project:Automated Chicken Door
- Project:Basement Boot Rack
- Project:Beam Lantern
- Project:Bed frame
- Project:Beeswax Wrap
- Project:Bierkastentisch
- Project:Bierpongtisch
- Project:Bluetooth Box
- Project:BonBons
- Project:Bottles Resin Embedding
- Project:CNC-Steuerung
- Project:CamperVan
- Project:Captive Ring Turning
- Project:Car Key Repair
- Project:Cello Lamp
- Project:Cello lamp
- Project:Circular Saw Guide
- Project:CoMS Model
- Project:ConfuseCutlery
- Project:Container on Rollers
- Project:Cookie Cutters
- Project:Copyrights
- Project:Counter Board
- Project:Crokinole
- Project:DSLR Microscope
- Project:Damast-Messer mit Lederscheide
- Project:DeWalt Battery Replacement
- Project:Digital File Shredder
- Project:Digital Holographic Miocroscope
- Project:Digitizing Letter Box
- Project:Dining Room Table
- Project:Disc Sander
- Project:Door Camera
- Project:Door Panel Storage Solution for VW T5
- Project:Druckerschrank
- Project:Drying Timber
- Project:ESC/POS Label Printing
- Project:ESPHome IR-Fernbedienung
- Project:Electric Car
- Project:Enhanced Door Bell
- Project:Eurobox Folding Table
- Project:Face Shields
- Project:Fernbedienung TERRiS
- Project:Festival Radio
- Project:FilamentSpooler
- Project:File Handles
- Project:Fish Cages
- Project:Fix Watch Movement Citizen 8200
- Project:Flaschenlampe
- Project:Flaschenschneider
- Project:FlipDotDisplay
- Project:Flip Dot Display
- Project:Floating Shelf
- Project:FlyerStand
- Project:Foam Inserts
- Project:Foiling
- Project:Free Standing Mirror
- Project:French Cleat Storage
- Project:G5-ATX-Conversion
- Project:Geopolymer Chess Figures
- Project:Giant Football Scoreboard
- Project:Heat-Set Insert Tip
- Project:Humble Homeautomation Handling
- Project:Japanese marking knife
- Project:Jar Jar Shelf
- Project:Jewelry and Earring Organizer from an Old Picture Frame
- Project:JigsawPuzzle
- Project:Jigsaw Puzzles
- Project:Kitchen Counter
- Project:Kitchen knife
- Project:Kreidekreisel
- Project:LED Cube 5x5x5
- Project:Laptop Powerbank
- Project:Laptop Stand
- Project:Laptop Wall Mount
- Project:Laser-engraved Photo for Members Wall
- Project:Laser Engraved Spice Glasses
- Project:Laser Engraved Stamps
- Project:Laser made Stamps
- Project:Lernturm
- Project:Lockers
- Project:Lowboard
- Project:Lumberjack Cake Stand
- Project:Lötzian
- Project:MQTT Broker
- Project:Magnetic Knife Holder
- Project:Makita Makpak Workbench and Toolholder
- Project:Mallets
- Project:Mechanical Keyboard
- Project:Metal Rose
- Project:MicroTrees
- Project:Microfluidics
- Project:Mirrorshelf
- Project:Mud Kitchen
- Project:Multi-Photo Imagemaps
- Project:Music Station
- Project:Müllampel
- Project:Navigation Galleries
- Project:Navigation Galleries/Sandbox
- Project:OpenScan
- Project:Open Sign
- Project:Outdoor Table
- Project:PC Desk Top
- Project:Patricks Locker
- Project:Pegboard
- Project:Pi Lab
- Project:Pico Plotter
- Project:Pirate Ship's Wheel
- Project:Pizza Peel
- Project:Plant Watering
- Project:Plastic Beam Forming
- Project:Precious Plastic
- Project:QC3 LED driver
- Project:Raised Bed (for gardening)
- Project:Raspberry Pi Smart Light Switch Shield
- Project:Resized Wardrobe Drawers
- Project:Restore old Scooters
- Project:Retro Gaming Arcade
- Project:Robot Arm
- Project:Roof Sign
- Project:Roubo Workbench
- Project:Router Table
- Project:SUSPENsion Board
- Project:Schallschutztüren
- Project:Schneckchen
- Project:Schwenkgrill
- Project:Semi-Cordless Drill
- Project:Sharpening Station
- Project:Shoji Room-Divider
- Project:Skibogen
- Project:Smart Floor Lamp
- Project:Snowflake
- Project:Sortimo Toolrack
- Project:Spartan Holders
- Project:Spice-Shelf
- Project:Squid Game Mask
- Project:Stand for Nerf Weapons
- Project:Stock Chair
- Project:Swinging-puffin
- Project:Swinging Puffin
- Project:TAC
- Project:TV Sideboard
- Project:Tigerente
- Project:Topfuntersetzer Kumiko (Futae Kaku Tsunagi)
- Project:Tree Trunk Tealights
- Project:Tripod Floor Lamp
- Project:Typewriter Bicycle Bell
- Project:Türverkleinerung
- Project:USB Cable Tester
- Project:USB PD Battery Charger
- Project:Ultimate Frisbee Clips
- Project:Upcycled Handrail
- Project:Users
- Project:VFD Watch
- Project:VHS Couch Table
- Project:Wedding Figures
- Project:Wiki Slideshow
- Project:Wood Beam Candlestick
- Project:Woodturning: tool for preparing unbalanced workpiece
- Project:Wordclock
- Project:Würfelturm
- Project:Würfelturm MDF