
From CoMakingSpace Wiki

Some frequently asked questions to help you get started...

Q: Why can't I edit wiki pages?
A: We had to restrict account creation due to issues with spam - just contact Lukas or Martin if you are a real person ;-)

Q: Where do I start?
A: Best take a look at our getting started page. It provides several possibilities to collaborate and interact with the community and this wiki.

Q: How can I share my project with more people?
A: We are always happy about volunteers who would like to hold a seminar. Please let us know if one of your projects is ready and suitable to be copied by a bunch of others!

Q: Who is paying for all the consumables?
A: Everyone carries their own weight! Please have a look at the material pages if you're not sure what something is worth and throw a few cents into our donation box if you profited from something nice in the scrap bins. If you can't afford to buy something, talk to your fellow Makers - it might be possible in a team effort!

Q: What do I do if I notice something running out?
A: Best bring a bunch of it on your next visit, e.g. a pack of screws, to give back to the community in a small but meaningful way! The managers also take care of restocking certain shared materials as soon as they are informed, so please talk to them and/or use Template:Refill to let them know.

Q: What may I use right away and which tools require an introduction?
A: That's different for every piece of equipment, best consult the individual wiki pages or ask someone. It's important for all tools that you at least read their wiki page, but we require personal instructions especially for dangerous or expensive machines - those tools have tutors who are happy to help you out!