Project:Wedding Figures

From CoMakingSpace Wiki


Wedding Cake Figures

Wedding figures cake.jpg
Status: Finished
Initiator: who maintains it?
Materials Used: wood
Tools Used: Scroll Saw

Need some decoration for a wedding cake? This is a quick project which can be finished in a day (plus time to let the paint dry).

  • Find a template that has your preferred shape, scale it to the desired size and print it.
  • Use some coal paper to copy the outline onto a piece of wood.
  • Cut the shape with the scroll saw. A round blade is useful for tight corners, alternatively draw the two parts separately and cut off everything around them.
  • Drill holes in the bottom parts in order to stick them on the cake using toothpicks.
  • Sand the surface and edges.
  • Paint the figures.
  • Bake a cake.
  • Decorate.