Project:Typewriter Bicycle Bell

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Typewriter Bicycle Bell

TBB done.jpg
Status: finished
Release Date: May 2017
Initiator: Lukas
Materials Used: see BOM
Tools Used: screwdrivers, wrenches,
pliers, hacksaw, files,
cordless drill, rivet gun
Approx. Cost: < 10 ct (but hours of work)

Teardowns of junk equipment are very interesting, and besides a deeper understanding of what's going on "under the hood" you're sure to earn tons of little (specialty) parts like screws, springs, retaining rings and gears on the way.

In case of a typewriter, there is also a bell that used to tell the user when the end of a line was reached - would be a pity to throw that away! Since I broke my bicycle bell recenty, I knew just what to do with it... It turned out better than expected and has a rough/"industrial" look.

Of course you may not have a typewriter at hand just to make a bike bell, but I wanted to share this little build as inspiration for similar repurposing projects ;-)


  • old (preferably broken) typewriter
    • "end of line" bell & hammer
    • a few springs
  • handle mount of a (broken) bicycle bell
  • two blind rivets
    • size according to taste (here: 4 × 10 mm to utilize an existing hole)


Hover over photos for notes - no extensive description planned for this one, but feel free to ask if anything is unclear!


  • probably not rainproof (base seems to be galvanized, but rest is "just" steel)
    • put part of a rubber glove over it, but adding a thin layer of lacquer could be the next step
  • sometimes it sounds muzzled - insert stronger tension spring?
  • handle is not ergonomic, but then again you won't use it every few seconds
  • a typewriter needs to die for this project...