Project:Laser Engraved Stamps

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Laser Engraved Stamps

Laser engraved stamps.jpg
Status: done
Release Date: October 2021
Initiator: Luzian
Team: Martin, Patrick
Materials Used: laser stamp rubber
Software Used: GIMP

As a preparation for the Türöffnertag 2021, Luzian had the idea to let the kids create custom stamps with our laser cutter.


The stamps are made of special laser rubber.

The holders can either be made of wood or 3D printed. The image shows a custom design created by Patrick. You can also use the 3cm x 3cm Stamp Base designed by Leo.

Designing the Stamp

In order to enable the kids to design their own stamps, we have created a template where they can draw the design on:


This template can be printed and - after designing the stamp - scanned.

Preparing the Image

After scanning the template with the stamp design, it needs to be prepared for the laser cutter. For this, 3 steps are needed:

  1. convert it into a 2-bit image (the laser can only produce "stamping" or "non-stamping" areas, no grey-scales are possible). You can use Colors->Threshold in Gimp (and the eraser and brush tools to clean up a bit)
  2. invert the colors (Gimp: Colors->Invert)
  3. horizontally mirror the image (Gimp: Tools->Transform Tools->Flip)

Laser the Stamp and Test It

The last step follows the regular preparations for engraving pictures with the laser cutter. The needed settings can be found on the page "Laser Cutter Material Settings".

Further Reading