Project:Pirate Ship's Wheel

From CoMakingSpace Wiki


Pirate Ship's Wheel

ShipsWheel05 AfterRouting.JPG
Status: in progress
Release Date: (hopefully) July 2020
Initiator: Martin
Materials Used: Wood
Tools Used: CNC Router, Handheld Router, Laser Cutter
Approx. Cost: approx 20€ (mainly for the wood)


ShipsWheel99 TheCabin.jpg

Martin's niece owns a sandbox in the form of an old boat. Since she got a cabin built upon it to enable a pirate ship theme, the whole thing of course needed a proper ship's wheel!


Since the cabin was made from spruce wood, the ship's wheel was made from the same kind of wood in order to fit. You can get pieces of this at Bauhaus for a reasonable price.


Overall Cut: CNC Router

In order to ensure a proper design, the CNC Router has been used to cut the overall design out of the workpiece:

Tune Edges: Handheld Router

Since the CNC Router has been cutting sharp edges, these needed to get rounded. Using the handheld router for this was the fastest and easiest option:

Engrave Treasures and Skulls: Laser Cutter

Since this ship wheel is dedicated to be used at a pirate ship, it needs to get some skulls and treasures engraved. Our laser cutter has different options for burning images into wood, which needed to be compared to each other:

ShipsWheel06 LaserTest.JPG

It was decided to use the cut treasure (below) and the engraved skull (on top)

Cabin Attachment: To be done