
From CoMakingSpace Wiki

Here you can find links to all of our pages about "machines". Our definition of "machines" includes pretty much all electric devices and big or small power tools.

Tools, on the other hand, are worked by hand or have only weak batteries, e.g. to power a display or tiny printer.

Most machines are potentially dangerous! Make sure you secure it against accidental starting whenever you work on its parts, e.g. when you want to change a circular saw blade. Also, see if the action you're planning is possible before turning on the motor (check for obstacles, test movement of sliding parts etc). We document specific dangers and precautions in our introductions.

As the list grows we may start subcategories as well, e.g. for machines from the same manufacturer and/or running on the same kind of battery pack.

If that is too confusing and you would rather look through the entire list of the CoMakingSpace's equipment, please head over to the supercategory "Hardware".

3D PrintersBambu Lab P1S (1)3D Printing Area
3D PrintersBambu Lab P1S (2)3D Printing Area
3D PrintersPrusa i3 MK2S (1)Office
3D PrintersPrusa i3 MK2S (2)3D Printing Area
3D PrintersPrusa i3 MK2S (3)3D Printing Area
3D PrintersPrusa i3 MK2S (4)Office
3D PrintersPrusa i3 MK2S (5)Office
3D PrintersPrusa i3 MK2S Multi Material3D Printing Area
3D PrintersPrusa i3 MK3S (1)3D Printing Area
3D PrintersPrusa i3 MK3S (2)3D Printing Area
3D PrintersPrusa i3 MK3S+3D Printing Area
3D ScannersFabScanPi3D Printing Area
3D ScannersOpenScan3D Printing Area
Airbrush CompressorHBM AS188Airbrush Area
Belt and Disc SanderHolzmann BT 203-914Grinding Table
Bench GrindersNU-POWER MABG 006AMAGrinding Table
Bench GrindersTriton TWSS10Grinding Table
Biscuit JoinerToolson PRO-DF 860Saw Station
CNC MillKress CNCCNC Area
CNC RouterEleksMill3D Printing Area
CNC RouterWorkBeeCNC Area
Chop SawBosch GCM 12 GDLSaw Station
CompressorHerkules Pro-Line Flüsterkompressor Siltek 24Cold Metal Area
Corded Disc GrinderMakita 9565 HRZ (1)Hot Metal Area
Corded Disc GrinderMakita 9565 HRZ (2)Hot Metal Area
Cordless Disc GrinderMakita DGA511Hot Metal Area
Cordless DrillsMakita DDF483 (1)Drilling Table
Cordless DrillsMakita DDF483 (2)Drilling Table
Cordless DrillsMakita DDF484 (1)Drilling Table
Cordless DrillsMakita DDF484 (2)Drilling Table
Delta SanderFestool DTS 400 REQSanding Area
Domino JoinerFestool Domino DF 500
Drill PressesScheppach DP 16 SLDrilling Table
Drill PressesZJ5116 TB 16Drilling Table
Drying OvensMemmert UM 400 (1)3D Printing Area
Drying OvensMemmert UM 400 (2)Hot Metal Area
Dust ExtractorsBAMATO AB-550CoMS Storage
Dust ExtractorsFelder AF 14CoMS Storage
Dust ExtractorsFelder RL 160Wood Workshop
Dust ExtractorsFestool CTM26 E AC (1)Handheld Wood Tool Area
Dust ExtractorsFestool CTM26 E AC (2)Handheld Wood Tool Area
Dust ExtractorsShopVac Super K11-SQ14CNC Area
Eccentric SandersBosch GEX 40-150Sanding Area
Eccentric SandersFesto RO 150 ESanding Area
Eccentric SandersFesto RO 2 ESanding Area
FlatironPHILIPS GC 8280Sewing Area
FlatironSeverin BA 9676Gluing Area
FreezerElectrolux EU 1321 TKitchen
FridgeOK OFK 34212 A2Kitchen
Function GeneratorVoltcraft FG-506Electronics Area
Handheld Circular SawsFestool TS 75 EBQSaw Station
Handheld RoutersFerm FBF-1050ERouter Table
Handheld RoutersMakita DRT50Router Table
Heat GunSteinel BHP 200/2Hot Metal Area
Horizontal BandsawHerkules HMB 4000Hot Metal Area
Hot Air Soldering StationXYTronic LF-852DElectronics Area
Hot Glue GunSteinel GluePRO 400 LCDGluing Area
Hot Glue GunSteinel GluefixSewing Area
JigsawsBosch PST 750 PE "EXPO2000"Saw Station
JigsawsParkside PSTD 800 A1Saw Station
Jointer-PlanerHammer A3-31Wood Workshop
Lab Power SuppliesRND 320-KD3005DElectronics Area
Lab Power SuppliesVoltcraft HPS-13015Electronics Area
Lab Power SuppliesVoltcraft LPS1305Electronics Area
LaminatorRex OL 350-L-17Office Supply Shelf
Laser CutterLaserscript LS6090Laser Area
Laser ExhaustTEKA Vacuair UML 500Laser Area
Laser PrintersHP LaserJet 8150DNSeminar Area
Metal LathesMyford ML7Cold Metal Area
Oscillating ToolFein MSxe 636 IISaw Station
OscilloscopeRigol DS1102CDElectronics Area
OvenSamsung NB69R2301RSKitchen
Plastic ShredderPrecious Plastic - ShredderPrecious Plastic Area
ProjectorPanasonic PT-F300NTESeminar Area
Pyrography BurnersParkside PBMK 30 A1Saw Station
Reciprocating SawBosch PFZ 700 PESaw Station
Rotary ToolDremel 4000Metal Workshop
Router TableSauter OFL2.0 Router TableRouter Table
Scroll SawProxxon DSHSaw Station
Sewing MachineBrother LX17
Sewing MachineNecchi Typ 559Sewing Area
Sheet SandersBosch PSS 250 AESanding Area
Sliding Table SawAltendorf F 45Wood Workshop
Soldering IronsKSGER T12 V2.1Electronics Area
Soldering IronsPACE ADS200Electronics Area
Spin DryerTHOMAS Centri 776 SELPrecious Plastic Area
Table SawElektra Beckum PK 255Wood Workshop
Vertical BandsawsCMI C-S-BS 250Hot Metal Area
Vertical BandsawsMetabo BS 1638 WWood Workshop
Vertical BandsawsWoodSter 2 BS 412Office
Water ChillerCW4000Laser Area
Welding TransformerEinhell BT-GW 150Office
Welding TransformerUnknown Welding TransformerHot Metal Area
Wood LathesHolzmann D 460FWoodturning Area
Wood LathesTyme AvonWoodturning Area

Pages in category "Machines"

The following 94 pages are in this category, out of 94 total.