Record Power DS300

From CoMakingSpace Wiki


Record Power DS300

Ds300 beltdiscsander.jpg
Synonyms: disk sander,
disc sanding machine (DSM);
DE: Tellerschleifer (oder Schleifteller)
Material: wood, metal
Used with: sanding discs
Access Requirements:
Manual: DS300 Disc Sander
Similar (More or Less): belt sander, disc sander

This tool is not ready for use yet since not all commissioning steps have been completed. The process is also tracked on GitHub. Feel free to contribute to making it usable, any help is very welcome!

Task comment Status
Name the tool: - done
Take a picture - done
Find the manual as PDF DS300 found on manualslib done
Documentation this page, status: in commissioning pending
Print QR-Code use the wikicrawler pending
Introduction - pending
Security Check to be done or witnessed by a manager pending
Test to be done or witnessed by a manager pending
tool's name, owner and approx. value provide to Johannes for inventorization pending
Last step: make it available physically and in the wiki - then delete this template pending


Always make sure to adhere to all precautions trained during the stationary sander introduction.


The machine does not require extensive maintenance. Service malfunctions and defects by trained persons only. Regular maintenance:

  • After each workshift: Remove chips and sanding dust from the device
  • After 10 hours of operation: Check all screw connections and tighten if necessary

Refer to the manual in order learn more about the process to change the disc.

Sandpaper Cleaning

Sandpaper can be restored a few times before it is used up by briefly sanding a piece of rubber! Instead of proper cleaning sticks you can apparently get great results with the sole of an old shoe - any donors? ;-)