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Synonyms: vacuum extractor, vacuum extraction machine
DE: Absauganlage
Type: Dust Extractors
Material: wood & similar dust (not sparks!)
Used with: hearing protection, breathing protection, air cleaners
Location: CoMS Storage
Access Requirements:
Status: In Commissioning
Manual: in the bag; nearly identical: Einhell TE-VE 550 A
(the BAMATO does not have an automatic power outlet)
Similar (More or Less): shop vacs

Caution - in its factory state, this machine does NOT have a fine dust filter! If used for tasks like sanding, it may even spread the fine dust more than if you had not used it at all. It is therefore mainly suitable for the extraction of larger chips and does NOT replace a dust mask.


UNPLUG before you do any maintenance

It should easily suck up smaller chips and saw dust from a surface if the pipe opening is placed perpendicular to the surface. If this is not the case you will have to service it. Over time larger chips that are sucked up don´t make it in to the rotor and clog the airway. They can usually be removed by disconnecting the pipe from the rotor and clearing the nest manually. Also the white fabric filter gets clogged over time and should be cleaned to. If the filter inflates like a bouncy castle upon turning it on, it is time to clean it. Wear a dust mask .
Obviously the plastic bag needs to be emptied when full.