Einhell BT-GW 150

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Einhell BT-GW 150


Einhell BT-GW 150

Schutzgas-Schweissgerät BT-GW 150.jpg
Synonyms: Schutzgasschweißgerät
Type: Welding Transformer
Material: 0.6 or 0.8 mm welding wire; metal
Location: Office
Access Requirements:
Status: In Commissioning
Manual: einhell-service.com (PDF)
Similar (More or Less): welding transformer

MIG/MAG welding machine by Einhell.

To be used with Argon for MIG welding or CO2 for MAG welding.

This tool is not ready for use yet since not all commissioning steps have been completed. The process is not yet tracked on GitHub. Feel free to contribute to making it usable, any help is very welcome!

Task comment Status
Name the tool: - done
Take a picture - done
Find the manual as PDF needed for all machines - add a link to the InfoBox or comment where you could not find it done
Documentation this page, status: in commissioning pending
Print QR-Code use the wikicrawler done
Introduction - pending
Security Check to be done or witnessed by a manager pending
Test to be done or witnessed by a manager pending
tool's name, owner and approx. value provide to Johannes for inventorization pending
Last step: make it available physically and in the wiki - then delete this template pending

Gas Setup

The knobs and valves of the gas setup

The inert gas (Argon) or active gas (CO2) is at ~200 bar if the gas cylinder is full. A pressure reducer reduces this pressure. It also limits the flow rate of the gas. Notice the flow rate has a scale for each gas. 11l/min is a good starting value for the flow rate. Both the bottle valve and the second valve have to be open for gas to flow. Turn the regulation knob to adjust the flow rate. Always turn the CO2 off after usage to reduce leakage losses.

Settings & Usage

The welding machine has a setting for the welding current, as well as a setting for the wire feed rate. It uses welding wire of 0.6 mm or 0.8 mm diameter. The wire spools can have up to 5 kg. If you swap in a wire of a different diameter, you must also change the contacting pipe (Kontaktrohr, see manual).

The settings of the machine

Before welding the metal workpiece, you need to ground it using the grounding clamp. Read the welding introduction on further precautions you might need to take.

The welding gun has a trigger. If it is pulled, gas is released from it, then wire is fed at a constant rate. The gas prevents the hot metal from exidizing. As soon as the wire gets close to the grounded workpiece, a light arc is formed which melts the wire and the workpiece.

Turning the welding current too high might trip the circuit breaker. Just turn the current down and reset the circuit breaker.

Suggested Reading

  • know the difference between the different welding methods

TODO: update the welding area and metal workshop pages for the new welding machine.