Vertical Bandsaws

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Vertical Bandsaws

Timber on bandsaw.JPG
Synonyms: DE: Bandsägen (Sg. Bandsäge)
Material: depends on the blade
(see individual machines)
Access Requirements: Vertical Bandsaw Introduction
Tutors: Lukas
Similar (More or Less): scroll saw

We got several vertical bandsaws (the typical type most people mean when they say "bandsaw") from our awesome members over the years!

We use larger bandsaws for wood and a smaller one for metal - here we also have a horizontal bandsaw!

Interesting Resources


Here are some examples of projects you could use a bandsaw for:

WoodSter 2 BS 412


WoodSter 2 BS 412

Type: Vertical Bandsaws
Material: wood
Used with: 1870-1880 mm bandsaw blades
Location: Office
Access Requirements: Vertical Bandsaw Introduction
Status: In Commissioning
Manual: identical(?): Inca EURO 260 (
Tutors: Lukas

New medium-size bandsaw coming soon

We were given a "WoodSter 2 BS 412" which now needs to be commissioned. It is very similar, if not identical, to an Inca EURO 260. [1]


  • cutting height: 155 mm
  • throat clearance (Ausladung): 260 mm
  • wheel diameter: 280 mm
  • blade (DE and EN manual sections differ?!)
    • blade length: 1870-1880 mm (DE)/1850 mm (EN)
    • blade width: 3-15 mm (DE)/3-18 mm (EN)
    • blade thickness: 0.4-0.65 mm (DE)/0.5 mm (EN)
  • motor speed: 1000 rpm
  • table tilt: max. 45°

This tool is not ready for use yet since not all commissioning steps have been completed. The process is not yet tracked on GitHub. Feel free to contribute to making it usable, any help is very welcome!

Task comment Status
Name the tool: - done
Take a picture - pending
Find the manual as PDF very similar - exact brand not found done
Documentation this page, status: in commissioning pending
Print QR-Code use the wikicrawler pending
Introduction - pending
Security Check to be done or witnessed by a manager pending
Test to be done or witnessed by a manager pending
tool's name, owner and approx. value provide to Johannes for inventorization pending
Last step: make it available physically and in the wiki - then delete this template pending

Metabo BS 1638 W


Metabo BS 1638 W

Metabo BS 1638 W.jpg
Type: Vertical Bandsaws
Material: wood
Used with: 2225 mm bandsaw blades;
bandsaw fence, bandsaw sled
Location: Wood Workshop
Access Requirements: Vertical Bandsaw Introduction
Status: Working
Manual: identical(?): Metabo BAS 380 (
Tutors: Lukas

The Metabo BS 1638 W (you can probably drop the "W" when searching for accessories) is a three-wheeled bandsaw for 2225 mm bandsaw blades.

DO NOT use the integrated disc sander! A proper disc sander needs a table against kickback, and it's generally a bad idea to use a sharp blade as a mere driving belt...

The saw was missing a parallel fence but Manu built one that should be fine for most uses, please help us out if you would like to improve and document it further!


more details in the manual!

  • cutting height: 160 mm
  • throat clearance (Ausladung): 380 mm
  • max. workpiece weight: 15 kg
this saw can easily cut through quite thick pieces, such as this part of a log

Caution with Curves

make difficult curves towards the rear bearing (left arrow)!

Besides the radius, which is determined by the blade width, you may run into problems with tight curves going in the wrong direction. Please make sure the wood is pushed towards the side with the support bearing (left) during difficult curves or there can be a very unpleasant derailing!

"Difficult" means any combination of...

  • hard wood
  • thick workpiece
  • tight curve

CMI C-S-BS 250


CMI C-S-BS 250

Synonyms: CMI C-BAN-250 (probably the same);
DE: "Metall-Bandsäge"
Type: Vertical Bandsaws
Material: metal (depending on blade);
wood (currently not intended)
Used with: 1400 mm bandsaw blades
Location: Hot Metal Area
Access Requirements: Vertical Bandsaw Introduction
Status: Working
Manual: nearly identical: Westfalia RBS 205
Tutors: Lukas
Similar (More or Less): scroll saw

This small bandsaw does not have much power, but may be used to cut soft metals. As it has rarely been used and we have a horizontal bandsaw now, we might transform it into a belt sander.

The blade guides are very simple, just consisting of two pins for the sides and a bearing for the back of the blade. We should turn an eccentric bearing mount to increase their lifetime (by default, the blade runs too close to the center of the bearing).

Please refer to the proper blade-guide distances explained in our bandsaw introduction, NOT the ones from the manual!


  • blade length - 1400 mm
  • max. blade width - ???
  • max. blade thickness - 0.36 mm [2]
  • max. cutting depth - 80 mm