Reciprocating Saw

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Revision as of 22:17, 18 January 2019 by Lukas (talk | contribs) (commissioning update)


Bosch PFZ 700 PE

Bosch PFZ 700 PE.JPG
Synonyms: Sawzall; DE: Säbelsäge,
Elektro-Fuchsschwanz, Pendel-Fuchsschwanz
Type: power saw
Material: depending on the blade: wood, metals, plastics
Access Requirements: once commissioned:
upon personal introduction
Manual: manualslib
Similar (More or Less): jigsaws

This tool is not ready for use yet since not all commissioning steps have been completed. The process is also tracked on GitHub. Feel free to contribute to making it usable, any help is very welcome!

Task comment Status
Name the tool: Bosch PFZ 700 PE done
Take a picture - done
Find the manual as PDF Found on manualslib done
Documentation this page, especially types/availability of blades done
Print QR-Code use the wikicrawler done
Introduction Reciprocating Saw Introduction done
Security Check to be done or witnessed by a manager pending
Test to be done or witnessed by a manager pending
tool's name, owner and approx. value inventorized by Lukas done
Last step: make it available physically and in the wiki - then delete this template pending


The reciprocating saw can be operated with different orbital action settings: 0 - 3. Depending on your workpiece, you need to use different settings:

Step 0:
Thin or hard workpieces (e.g. metal plates, steel)

Step 1:
Non-ferrous metals, hard wood, plastics

Step 2:
Soft workpieces (like insulation)

Step 3:
Soft workpieces (e.g. soft woods)

Saw Blades

As most saws, the reciprocating saw supports different sawblades. The Bosch PFZ 700PE is using SDS-Sawblades.



Wood Sawblade

Reciprocating Saw Sawblade Wood.jpg
Synonyms: DE: Holzsägeblatt
Type: sawblade for the reciprocating saw
Material: Wood
Location: reciprocating saw´s box

You can find the wood sawblades in the reciprocating saw´s box in the case saying "wood".

Wood and Metal


Wood and Metal Sawblade

Reciprocating Saw Sawblade Wood Metal.jpg
Synonyms: DE: Holz- und Metallsägeblatt
Type: sawblade for the reciprocating saw
Material: Wood, Metal
Location: reciprocating saw´s box

You can find the wood and metal sawblades in the reciprocating saw´s box in the case saying "metal".




Reciprocating Saw Sawblade Metal.jpg
Synonyms: DE: Metallsägeblatt
Type: sawblade for the reciprocating saw
Material: Metal
Location: reciprocating saw´s box

You can find the metal sawblades in the reciprocating saw´s box in the case saying "metal".