Hole Saws

From CoMakingSpace Wiki

Revision as of 11:21, 2 November 2017 by Lukas (talk | contribs) (a.k.a. Topfsägen)

This is a wish list page - we don't have this tool yet!


Hole Saws

Hole saw.JPG
Synonyms: hole cutter bits; DE: Lochsägen, Kreisbohrer,
Dosenbohrer, Bohrkrone, Topfsägen
Type: bits/saws
Material: depends on type (wood, concrete or even metals)
Used with: drills
Access Requirements: upon introduction
Tutors: Lukas

Hole saws are drill bits that consist of a saw blade holder and a central pilot drill which determines the position of the hole. Often, interchangeable saw blades are locked on the holder one at a time.

There is significant kickback when (mis-)using this tool, take the time do it right!

Proper Use

Use a drill at high speed but little pressure.

No hammering drill can be used to saw holes.

Besides keeping the saws intact, please take personal safety precautions and wear safety goggles!