BlackBox CNC

From CoMakingSpace Wiki



OpenBuilds BlackBox CNC

Synonyms: DE: CNC-Fräse, CNC-Plattenfräse, Portalfräsmaschine
Material: wood
Used with: which diameters? end mills;
some kinds of router bits
Access Requirements:
Firmware: grbl
Similar (More or Less): router, CNC mill

This self-built CNC router arrived at the Space in early 2025 and waits for your help to shine ;-)

This tool is not ready for use yet since not all commissioning steps have been completed. The process is not yet tracked on GitHub. Feel free to contribute to making it usable, any help is very welcome!

Task comment Status
Name the tool: named after its controller pending
Take a picture - pending
Find the manual as PDF needed for all machines - add a link to the InfoBox or comment where you could not find it pending
Documentation this page, status: in commissioning pending
Print QR-Code use the wikicrawler pending
Introduction - pending
Security Check to be done or witnessed by a manager pending
Test to be done or witnessed by a manager pending
tool's name, owner and approx. value provide to Johannes for inventorization pending
Last step: make it available physically and in the wiki - then delete this template pending

Using the BlackBox CNC

We have various wiki pages documenting how to use the WorkBee CNC. Maybe some of these can be adapted to include info on the BlackBox? Let's only create extra pages where really necessary:


just copied from WorkBee so far --------

This is just an overview and does NOT replace the personal introduction!

  1. create the tool paths in a suitable CAM software (e.g. Fusion 360)
  2. secure your workpiece on the machine's bed
  3. insert the appropriate collet & bit as defined in your tool paths
  4. home the machine, jog to your workpiece origin and zero your work coordinates
  5. Upload your generated G-Code
  6. put on personal protection
  7. Run your Program
  8. Once the Machine has homed, turn on the spindle & vac on the control panel (only works after homing)
  9. Be ready to hit the Emergency Stop in case SHTF. Your Program is running!


The spindle is a .................... You need to consider the sizes of its collets (Spannzangen) when buying your router bits.

  • no-load speed:
  • max cutter diameter:
  • available collet diameters:
    • ?
    • ?


workholding options, replacement? -----

Dust Extraction

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