
From CoMakingSpace Wiki

Revision as of 20:11, 1 September 2017 by Lukas (talk | contribs) (hello there!)
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Quick Info

eMail: lukas [ät]
GitHub: LukasFreeze
Thingiverse: LokusArts

I always knew I liked to build and assemble things, but never thought of myself as very creative until I built my first 3D printer and began to understand CAD programs. Many other techniques have gotten my attention since then and I believe that knowing how to work with a material automatically leads to tons of ideas what to do with it. Therefore, learning and teaching is the main advantage of community workshops like the CoMakingSpace in my eyes (closely followed by all the cool stuff you couldn't afford on your own).

Besides coming up with new ideas, I believe that knowing even just a few basic methods and tools enables everyone to repair and recycle their stuff more efficiently, reducing the amount of waste our modern society likes to generate.


I especially like combining different materials, upcycling "waste" and incorporating natural materials into my projects. A continuous effort of mine is creating content and structure for this wiki to equip other Makers (especially those around Heidelberg) with a good starting point for their own projects.

Future projects will likely revolve around constructing the CoMakingSpace and increasing its selection of jigs and self-made tools - squeezing in some personal projects now and then: