Hole Saws

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Revision as of 23:25, 16 January 2022 by Lukas (talk | contribs) (new donation)


Hole Saws

Hole saw.JPG
Synonyms: bell saws, hole cutter bits; DE: Lochsägen,
Kreisbohrer, Dosenbohrer, Bohrkronen,
Topfsägen, Lochkranzbohrer
Type: bits/saws
Material: depends on type (wood, concrete or even metals)
Used with: drills
Location: drilling table
(wood workshop
Access Requirements: upon reading
Tutors: Lukas

Hole saws are drill bits that consist of a saw blade holder and a central pilot drill bit which determines the position of the hole. Often, interchangeable saw blades are locked on the holder one at a time.

If you need guidance without the pilot drill bit (e.g. when cutting around a hole that is already larger than the pilot drill bit, or if you need discs without a hole), try clamping a template cut with the same hole saw on top of your workpiece. [1]

We currently have a cheap set and a nicer one that Martin donated.

There is significant kickback when (mis-)using this tool, take the time do it right!

Proper Use

Put only a single saw blade into the holder when you want to use it!

Use a drill at relatively high speed but little pressure.

drilling speeds
max rpm
26 - 39 mm 1200
45 - 58 mm 1000
64 mm 800

No hammering drill can be used to saw holes.

Besides keeping the saws intact, please take personal safety precautions and wear safety goggles!

Available Sizes

Bosch "Progressor Electrician" set: 19, 25, 38, 44, 68, 83 mm in diameter

  • can be expanded with further saws that are compatible with the "Bosch Power Change Plus" system!

Simple set: 44 mm deep and 26, 32, 39, 45, 51, 58 or 64 mm in diameter

Past Issues

2018-3: the screw broke out of the aluminum blade holder - fixed by drilling/tapping a new hole opposite of it