Getting Started
Welcome to the CoMakingSpace Community! It's awesome that you joined us, so now let´s make sure you get the best out of the CoMakingSpace and its community!
1. Introduce Yourself... the Wiki
Since you already found our wiki, the most important step to get information is already done!
However, it is always a good idea to create a User Page to introduce yourself to the others. Just click on the User Page link and edit the page to get started 😊
If you need help in creating a wiki page, please just ask somebody during the opening hours. If you like to learn on your own, you can also read about how to create wiki content or some wiki basics. the space
Of course, it is always good to show up to out Events / Opening Hours! Additionally, you will find our Members Wall in the Common Room.
Feel free to print a little information sheet about yourself and put it on there. This will help others to recognize you.
You can either design your own sheet or use one of the templates linked on the Members Wall page.
2. Get to Know Others... real life
The CoMakingSpace depends on our awesome community. Since we are a Makerspace, a lot happens physically at our workshop. The best way to get to know others is by showing up at our Events and talk to other members! For example, ask them about their projects. Most makers are happy to share what they are currently working on.
You can find the events and opening hours in our calendar and sometimes on meetup and other social media.
The CoMakingSpace Community aligns plans and questions online. Once you have signed up for your membership, make sure you join our Telegram Group and our Slack Workspace! As a rule of thumb, you can use Telegram for quick questions or for aligning on barbeque plans. Slack is good for more long lasting or structured conversations (e.g. making plans for a joint project).
3. Get to Know Our Equipment...
Yeah, I got it: You´re a maker, you want to make things!
While that is awesome, you can find a broad variety of useful information in our wiki. It is a good idea to start familirazing yourself with the following pages:
- Category:Machines shows you all the awesome machines we have. Each Machine has it´s own wiki page which shows you, which Introduction you need.
- Wood Workshop focusses on the wood workshop
- Metal Workshop shows you machines and tools in our metal workshop
- Electronics Room is good if you´re more interested in electronics.
Once you know, which machines you need for your project, you will need the Introduction for this machine. First, head out to Category:Introductions, which shows you, which introduction you need and who the respective Tutors are.
For a lot of introductions, it is a good idea to show up during our Opening Times and ask around, wether a tutor is available. Other Introductions take longer and are managed via Waiting Lists. Please sign yourself up for the ones relevant for your project.
4. Start Your Own Project
Of course, you signed up at a makerspace because you want to build something. If you're not sure where to start, check out our collection of "Quick Projects". You can learn a lot by making those. We also collect interesting sources of inspiration!
If you have more time, have a look at the projects that other members documented. Most of them will tell you who did it, so if you have any question, just ask.
4. Involve Yourself...
...with cleaning
Yes, it can be annoying. However, a good way to start is always by helping to clean-up after you worked on your project. As all places which are frequently visited, the CoMakingSpace also needs some more general clean-up every once in a while. For example, just take a Shop Vac and clean the workshop. It looks much nicer afterwards 😊
You can also post about this on Telegram or Slack and try to motivate other to do it next time!
...with improving the space
Since we are all makers, we always try to improve the Space.
We track open ideas in our "do something" issue tracker. Here, we discuss what can be done and make plans. Feel free to read through the issues and check out what can be tackled by you!
If you encounter something that is broken or you have an idea about possible improvements, feel free to open a new "issue" to get help!
In case of any doubts, just ask on Telegram or on Slack.
...with sharing knowledge
You found the Wiki! This is great, please help to improve it 😊
If you stumble accross some page that can be improved, edit it and add your suggestion! Every little imrpovement helps!
...with planning or hosting events
Our voluntary helpers are usually quite busy. Handling the CoMakingSpace administration, hosting opening hours and giving introductions is quite some work! Unfortunately, this leads to less time for organizing some special events. Luckily, YOU can help out with that!
You might ask yourself "What kind of event can I plan?". So let´go through some ideas:
- Do-Something Days Do-Something Days are days where we join forces and improve the space! Anything from cleaning up to re-organizing that nasty corner which always annoyed you or taking nice pictures of new machines can be done here. The important part is defining a date, finding somebody who can open the space and then think about some improvements. Usually, once a date is defined, finding helpers is not a problem. So go ahead and plan something!
- Introduction DaysIntroduction days are days where tutors take dedicated time to give introductions. This speeds things up a lot! However, it needs somebody to define a day and the set of introductions to be given at that day. Please head over to Introduction Day to get started!
- Workshops You got some knowledge you want to share? Awesome! Just host a workshop at the CoMakingSpace to share your knowledge! At Event Ideas, you can get an overview on what you need to do for this. If you need materials, new tools or anything else for your workshop, talk to a Manager and we will check how we can help you.
5. Check Your Membership
While you learn to use more and more tools and start your own projects, you may want to upgrade your membership. If you want to change your membership, reach out to one of the managers.