Project:Pizza Peel

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Simple Pizza Peels

Status: 75 % done
Release Date: June 2018
Initiator: Lukas
Materials Used: multi-ply
Tools Used: table saw, scroll saw, rasps, sandpaper
Approx. Cost: 10 €

I wanted to make two simple pizza peels out of birch multi-ply.

This was a nice chance to try spiral-toothed scroll saw blades as the boards required for this project would be too large for the saw if cut with regular blades.


Based on a peel and stone that I already have and the box it should fit in, these are the desired measurements:

  • thickness: 5 mm 6 mm (was available at the Space)
  • handle: approx. 12 × 4 cm
  • surface: approx. 35 × 30 cm (wider than long)
  • front edge: chamfered for 12 mm


  1. cut: table saw for width, scroll saw for handle & curved shoulders
  2. chamfer: used a rasp to remove most of the unwanted material at the front edge
  3. sand: old sanding disc for cleaning up the cut, sanding block to finish the chamfer

→ only finished one so far, perhaps the chamfer needs to be adjusted due to the thicker material that was used - to be continued after some test pizzas