Project:Music Station

From CoMakingSpace Wiki

Revision as of 15:47, 9 June 2018 by NitramLegov (talk | contribs) (Proper linking)


Music Station

Status: Ready for usage
Release Date: June 8th 2018
Initiator: Mitja
Team: Martin Olaf
Tools Used: Raspberry Pi
Software Used: MusicController

We have a wifi-enabled music station to play songs in the common room via an amplifier.


The Music playback is controlled by Mopidy. Any code for setting up mopidy for the needs of the CoMakingSpace can be found on [[1]].


This project runs on a Raspberry Pi located in the Common Room, next to the speakers and the printer. Right now, this is a Rapberry Pi 2.


As documented on the Network page, the Raspberry Pi provides a MPD Daemon on Port 6600 and a webinterface on port 8888. It is able to playback Youtube videos (add it to the queue by using yt:videoID), but this is very slow and not recommended. Webradio stations can also be played.

In case you want to add your own music, please use SSH to push Music into the folder /Music

Further Improvements / things to donate

  • Upgrade to a Raspberry Pi 3 in order to enable bluetooth playback
  • Add a dedicated Soundcard (USB or a [HAT]