Laser Cutter Introduction
This page is INCOMPLETE and still missing some important information before it can be used as a resource. Please use the "Discussion" feature above or talk to one of the tutors if you would like to help improve it. Thanks!
Once we have a laser cutter, introductions will be carried out by tutors and should take about 2 or 3 hours. Why "waste your time" like that? Attendance to such a briefing is required in order to use the machine without supervision! Scrolling down, tutors can find a checklist of what to teach and attendees can see what to expect.
During a briefing, participants should learn enough to work with the laser cutter independently and safely. They also receive a basic cleaning and maintenance course so not every little hickup has to be solved in the issue tracker.
Here's what will be covered in such a briefing:
- general overview of technology, mirror system, lens, etc.
- locations of manuals (including those for the exhaust filter unit and its remote control!)
- content of the entire laser cutter wiki page
- especially forbidden materials
- introduction to VisiCut or another suitable laser control software
- settings, raster vs. vector, our collection of material related settings
- importing settings
- quick overview of svg sources and/or editing software, e.g. Inkscape
- practical session, especially demonstrating the machine and filter control pads and focussing
- release of x and y motors, definition of (0/0)
- network settings (static IP) to communicate with the laser cutter; job selection
- safety switch: laser turns off when glass is lifted - important when fire breaks out!
This should act as a guide, tutors can always emphasize or add points of importance.
Best Practice
- software
- install Inkscape or similar software to produce vector files
- install VisiCut (platform independent version, developer branch recommended)
- download/import settings
- import SVG file into VisiCut, select material and/or try individual settings, select elements for cutting or engraving
- calculate time estimate
- prepare laser cutter
- select table (honeycomb or massive) and clean tray
- clean lens (roll Q-tips with isopropanol over lens - roll, do not grind) if necessary
- clean mirror/s (especially mirror above lens) if necessary
- switch on laser cutter
- switch on laser pointer
- deactivate X/Y motors and manually move lens to starting point
- set focus with triangle, further reduce height for cutting
- connect notebook via cross-over network cable and choose compatible static IP
- transfer job via VisiCut and select job via display, notebook can be disconnected once transfer is complete
- cutting
- activate exhaust system (80 % to 100 %, check filter status)
- activate compressor
- start cutting process
- observe cutting, watch for irregular fumes or flames - especially if testing new materials
- cutting might not work for the first one or two cm after a "cold start", restart job briefly at the end
- do not leave laser cutter unattended
- after cutting
- switch off exhaust system and compressor
- remove parts from table
- vacuum table if necessary
- fill in log book and remember to donate for the machine time!
Waiting List
This introduction takes longer than many others and usually can't be done spontaneously during regular opening times. If you would like to receive it, please add yourself to >> this list << and we will find a good time once a few members are on it!