Router Table Introduction

From CoMakingSpace Wiki

This is the content required for an introduction to our router table - reading this does NOT replace the mandatory session with a tutor! It will make it a lot quicker though ;-)

If you need this introduction, please reach out to the following tutors: Lukas, Martin, Keno, Patrick, Utis, Luzian

The handheld router introduction is required as a background for this introduction!

If you received that introduction before 2020-4-15, it still included the router table part and you only need to make sure you now watch both pages for updates. And as always: feel free to ask for a refresher whenever anything is not clear anymore!

proper feed directions for safe push cuts - click to see an animation!
a starting pin helps you make sure your workpiece stays in front of the router bit if you can't use a fence!

When working on a router table, additional care needs to be taken as the router is turned upside down in a fixed position!

  • the workpiece can be grabbed and shot across the room if you attempt a climb cut, only do push cuts!
    • only feed from right to left when you work in front of the bit!
    • see schematic for other cases, but make sure you really understand what's going on
  • keep all body parts at least a hand's width away from the exposed bit (use push blocks if that's not possible)
  • use all possible fences, guards, featherboards etc. to secure the workpiece and reduce exposure of the bit
  • make use of a starting pin (or similar) when working fenceless with a bearing bit tip #6


The tutor will show you in detail how to:

  • Adjust and lock the height of the router
  • Insert the bit into the router
  • Tighten the collet (best through the top of the table)
  • Turn the router on and off by using the safety switch of the router table
  • How to properly store the fence together with all small parts so stuff does not get lost all the time!