Handheld Wood Tool Area
From CoMakingSpace Wiki
(Redirected from Roubo Workbench)
This page is about our Handheld Wood Tool Area which is located in the wood workshop.
Roubo Workbench
the workbench after all major steps of the build
This sturdy woodworking workbench is self-made roughly according to traditional plans documented by the French woodworker André Roubo. Check out the project page for information about the build and planned upgrades!
The benchtop is made of solid wood without a protective coating, DO NOT attempt glue-ups directly on top of it!
As you may have guessed, this workbench is located in the handheld wood tool area and intended for woodworking.
The bench features a beefy woodworking vise and will soon get some dog holes and a plane stop (check out the project page or talk to Lukas for details).