Wolverine Jig

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Revision as of 18:42, 4 May 2022 by Lukas (talk | contribs) (German)


Wolverine Grinding Jig

Wolverine base.JPG
Synonyms: ONEWAY Wolverine; DE: Wolverine-Schärfhilfe
Type: jig
Status: under construction
Used with: woodturning tools, Triton TWSS10 bench grinder
Location: wood workshop (woodturning corner)
Tutors: Lukas

We have a "Wolverine" grinding jig in the workshop! This contraption makes it easy to sharpen woodturning tools, particularly skew chisels and gouges.

sharpening a woodturning gouge


The jig has four indentations for the feet of the Triton TWSS10 grinder which is put on top of the whole contraption.

When not in use, the jig should not stay under the grinder: it would not survive dripping water for very long :-(

For now, it lives on the woodturning bench (under the bed of the Güde lathe).