Compressor Introduction

From CoMakingSpace Wiki

Revision as of 17:11, 29 August 2019 by Lukas (talk | contribs) (removed user link that belongs on the waiting list page)

This is the content required for an introduction to our compressor - reading this does NOT replace the mandatory session with a tutor! It will make it a lot quicker though ;-)

Let's begin! First off, make sure you have read the machine's manual.



  • parts of the machine may become hot during operation
  • the machine will not stay off if it has stopped due to a loss of power and the power is restored (blackout, blown fuse, pulled plug)
  • compressed air is generated which holds many dangers
    • small parts and dirt can fly towards you when blasted
    • the airstream can damage eyes, ears and other sensible organs
    • blowing air into certain shapes of holes or recesses can generate an unhealthy amount of noise
    • a bubble of air in the bloodstream can kill you
    • filling unsuitable containers with compressed air can cause them to explode
  • no prevention of turning on after loss & restoration of power (keine Anlaufsicherung)


  • to avoid burns, don't touch any motor parts if the compressor is or has been running in the last 15 minutes
  • don't turn the machine off by pulling the plug - press the orange button instead
  • wear well-fitting goggles and ear defenders
  • wear gloves if you need to blow air at something you are holding
  • do not point any air tools and nozzles at yourself or other people - we have a shop vac for cleaning!
  • do not use if you have any open wounds
  • do not fill any containers (tires etc.) if they appear damaged, and never above their pressure rating
  • if the power has been lost for whatever reason, always press the orange button into the "off" position before restoring it!

Practical Demonstration

  • connecting and disconnecting the couplings
  • setting a defined pressure, e.g. 4 bar for bike tires or the blast cabinet

Further Reading

Waiting List

This introduction takes longer than many others and usually can't be done spontaneously during regular opening times. If you would like to receive it, please add yourself to >> this list << and we will find a good time once a few members are on it!