Airbrush Introduction: Difference between revisions

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(moved from "Airbrush Area" (written by Björn))
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Revision as of 00:16, 18 February 2024

This page is INCOMPLETE and still missing some important information before it can be used as a resource. Please use the "Discussion" feature above or talk to one of the tutors if you would like to help improve it. Thanks!

This is the content required for an introduction to our airbrush equipment. Reading this does NOT replace the mandatory session with a tutor! It will make it a lot quicker though ;-)

If you need this introduction, please reach out to the following tutors: Björn

Health & Safety Precautions

Danger Description Precautions
Aerosols Airbrushing creates aerosols / vapours. Although most airbrush paints are typically water-based, you don't want to inhale those aerosols / paint particles.

Solvent-based AND water-based can cause pneumonia and other long-term lung problems. Masks with "P2" or even better "P3" filters are the minimum protective gear when working with water-based colours, as they'll protect you against paint particles. If you're using solvent-based colours, you should also wear a mask with "A2" grade filters to protect against the solvent fumes. (These "gas and vapour cartridges" have a use-by date and need to be replaced from time to time, according to the manufacturer's recommendations). For example, here's the filter guide for 3M masks and filters: English VersionGerman Version

use spray booth air extractor AND a respirator mask (grade A2 P3) with a tight fit

wear goggles / glasses do not do any face painting

Paint some paints may contain substances that are harmful to your skin wear gloves
Airbrush needle Every airbrush gun has a needle inside. The needle is usually covered/protected, but will become accessible when you disassemble the airbrush for cleaning. Handle with care, never "poke" the front of the needle
Compressor compressed air is generated and released through the airbrush:
  • the airstream can cause damage
  • do not point the airbrush at yourself or other people
Noise Noise from the air extractor (the compressor is relatively quiet, and turns itself on/off depending on air pressure settings) Noise protection gear
Spray Booth The spray booth contains an adjustable metal plate, which is attached to two hinges at the top. When reverting the metal plate to its standard vertical position, make sure your fingers don't get caught. Grab the metal plate on the left/right side, NOT underneath.
Paint fumes Paint aerosols might travel away from the airbrush corner. We want protect our beautiful 3D-Printers. use spray booth;

close the curtain behind you

Practical Demonstration

  • show airbrush and needle functionality before connecting airbrush to compressor
  • connect airbrush to compressor
  • change compressor pressure settings
  • add paint / change paint / demonstrate how "thin" or "watery" the paint needs to be
  • spray examples with varying needle positions (fine line / area fill etc)
  • disconnect airbrush from compressor
  • empty compressor / use valve
  • disassemble airbrush
  • clean airbrush
  • reassemble airbrush