Airbrush Introduction

From CoMakingSpace Wiki

This is the content required for an introduction to our airbrush equipment . Reading this does NOT replace the mandatory session with a tutor! It will make it a lot quicker though ;-)

If you need this introduction, please reach out to the following tutors: Björn

Health & Safety Precautions

Personal protection: Protection - breathing.svg

Wear goggles and gloves if you use solvent-based paint. Gloves are also required if you airbrush something you are holding/touching!

Hearing protection is also recommended due to the noise of the fume extractor directly overhead.

Danger Description Precautions
  • Airbrushing creates aerosols/vapours. Solvent-based AND water-based paint can cause pneumonia and other long-term lung problems.
  • Paint particles might travel away from the airbrush area and harm other equipment or people.
  • use spray booth air extractor AND a respirator
  • close the curtain behind you
  • water-based colours: wear a mask with "P2" or even better "P3" filters when working with
  • solvent-based colours: wear goggles and a mask with "A2" grade filters to protect against the solvent fumes
    • these "gas and vapour cartridges" have a use-by date and need to be replaced from time to time (according to the manufacturer's recommendations)
  • do not do any face painting
Paint some paints may contain substances that are harmful to your skin
  • wear gloves (single use latex/nitrile gloves or reusable painting gloves/Lackierhandschuhe) if you are holding or touching your medium during the project
Airbrush Needle every airbrush has a needle inside which is usually covered/protected, but will become accessible when you disassemble the airbrush for cleaning
  • handle with care
  • never "poke" the front of the needle
Compressor compressed air is generated and released through the airbrush
  • the airstream can damage eyes, ears and other sensible organs
  • do not point the airbrush at yourself or other people
Spray Booth the adjustable metal plate may bruise your fingers when reverted back to its vertical position
  • grab the metal plate on the left/right side, NOT underneath

Practical Demonstration

The tutor will show you these steps in detail:

  • airbrush and needle functionality (before connecting airbrush to compressor!)
  • how to connect an airbrush to the compressor
  • change compressor pressure settings
  • add paint/change paint
  • how "thin" or "watery" the paint needs to be
  • turn on the fume hood
  • spray examples with varying needle positions (fine line / area fill etc)
  • disconnect the airbrush from the compressor
  • disassemble airbrush
  • clean airbrush
  • reassemble & store airbrush

Suggested Reading

You can find all airbrushing related pages in Category:Airbrushing.

Remember: before using any shared equipment, you MUST read its wiki page!