Getting Started

From CoMakingSpace Wiki

Revision as of 02:04, 6 March 2025 by Lukas (talk | contribs) (→‎Community: plenum frequency)

Welcome to the CoMakingSpace Community! It's awesome that you joined us, so now let´s make sure you get the best out of the community.

Here are a few simple steps we recommend:

Create Your User Page

Since you already found our wiki, the most important step to get information is already done!

However, it is always a good idea to create a User Page to introduce yourself to the others. If you need help in creating a wiki page, please just ask somebody during the opening hours. If you like to learn on your own, you can also read about how to create wiki content or some wiki basics.


The CoMakingSpace depends on our awesome community. In order to ensure everybody is able to participate, we are have a members' meeting (plenum) every once in a while. In these, we discuss improvements to the space and ways of collaboration.

Additionally, we have a Members Wall in the common room. Just use the template to print your own sign and hang it up in the hallway. That way, others get to know you.

Since we are all makers, we always try to improve the Space. You can help us with this by checking out our "do something" issue tracker. If you encounter something that is broken or could be improved, feel free to open a new "issue" to get help!

Start Your Own Project

Of course, you signed up at a makerspace because you want to build something. If you're not sure where to start, check out our collection of "Quick Projects". You can learn a lot by making those. We also collect interesting sources of inspiration!

If you have more time, have a look at the projects that other members documented. Most of them will tell you who did it, so if you have any question, just ask.

Join Our Events

Another good possibility to learn and get to know the others is to join our events. You can find them in our calendar and sometimes on meetup and other social media.

Check Your Membership

While you learn to use more and more tools and start your own projects, you may want to upgrade your membership. If you want to change your membership, reach out to one of the managers.