Rigol DS1102CD

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Revision as of 15:52, 3 May 2024 by Johannes (talk | contribs) (Print QR-Code done)

Rigol DS1102CD


Rigol DS1102CD

Rigol DS1022CD.JPG
Synonyms: DE: Oszilloskop
Type: Oscilloscope
Location: Electronics Area
Access Requirements: Read the Wiki Page
Status: Working
Manual: Cloudinary

We have a Rigol DS1022CD which was upgraded to a DS1102CD in order to increase the bandwidth.


The exact specs can be found in the manual, this is just meant to serve as a rough overview.

  • Dual Channel, 100 MHz bandwidth
  • Easy one-touch AUTO function
  • Adjustable triggers: Edge, Video, Pulse width, Slope, Alternative, Pattern and Duration
  • 16 optional digital channels
  • 320x234 TFT LCD
  • Digital filters: LPF, HPF, BPF, BRF


TODO for commissioning: List the compatible cables, adapters and probes on the bench.


This tool is not ready for use yet since not all commissioning steps have been completed. The process is not yet tracked on GitHub. Feel free to contribute to making it usable, any help is very welcome!

Task comment Status
Name the tool: - done
Take a picture - done
Find the manual as PDF needed for all machines - add a link to the InfoBox or comment where you could not find it done
Documentation this page, status: in commissioning pending
Print QR-Code use the wikicrawler done
Introduction should contain a section on how not to break the device pending
Security Check to be done or witnessed by a manager Done
Test to be done or witnessed by a manager Done
tool's name, owner and approx. value provide to Patrick for inventorization Done
Last step: make it available physically and in the wiki - then delete this template done