Event Ideas
(Redirected from Event Planning)
Here we collect events that are either too far in the future, too complicated or too vague to plan right now. However, the basic ideas should not be lost and soon they just may become concrete enough to realize. Please add your ideas and let us know if you would like to help organize any of these!
Organize an Event
Running a workshop is rewarding, but good preparation ensures it’s enjoyable for everyone involved. Many brilliant ideas never reach participants because they’re not presented effectively. This guide focuses on the essential preparation steps, including creating a workshop description, generating a preview picture, and attracting participants.
Choosing a Great Workshop Topic
Tips for Selecting a Topic:
- Think Practical: Focus on skills participants can apply immediately, like “Building a Simple Circuit” or “Laser-Cut Holiday Decorations.”
- Start Small: A simple, achievable project is better than an overly ambitious one.
- Consider Interests: Survey the community for what people want to learn.
Questions to Help Narrow Down a Topic:
- What do you love to do that others might find interesting?
- What tools or resources in the Makerspace could be fun to explore?
- What age or skill level are you targeting?
Writing an Engaging Workshop Description
Your workshop description is how you attract participants. It should be clear, exciting, and informative. Here’s a formula:
Workshop Title
We need a Workshop title which we can use within our calendar and social media activities.
- Soldering 101: Build Your Own Light-Up Badge (English)
- Löten für Anfänger: Baue dein eigenes leuchtendes Abzeichen! (German)
Short Overview (1–2 Paragraphs)
The short overview of the workshop will be added to our calendar entry as well as marketing platforms we choose to use. It will also be used as description on the registration page.
AI Tip
The examples below have been created with the following prompt. Feel free to adjust and use yourself:
Write an engaging description for a soldering workshop where participants build glowing badges. Include details like time, age group, and provided materials. Ensure the description is engaging and motivating for girls.
Example (English):
✨ Ready to make something truly sparkly and awesome? In this hands-on soldering workshop, you’ll design and build a glowing badge that’s as unique as you are! This workshop is perfect for girls who love creativity and want to explore the exciting world of electronics. No experience needed – just bring your imagination and we’ll help you turn it into a glowing reality! What’s included: - Provided materials: - Circuit board kit with LEDs to make your badge glow - Soldering tools and equipment (we’ll show you how to use them safely!) - Fun decoration materials to make your badge totally your own What you’ll need: - Just your curiosity and creativity! You’ll learn: How to solder like a pro – it’s easier than you think! How circuits work to light up your badge Design tips for making your badge stand out with colors and patterns By the end of the workshop, you’ll have your very own glowing badge to show off and wear with pride – plus you’ll walk away with new skills to impress your friends and family! 🎟️ Fee: [Insert Price] (includes all materials) 👩👧 Parents and guardians: You're welcome to join or relax while your child builds their masterpiece! Join us and light up the world with your creativity! We can’t wait to see your glowing design!
Example (German):
✨ Bereit, etwas Großartiges zu machen? In diesem praktischen Lötkurs baust du dein ganz persönliches leuchtendes Abzeichen – perfekt, um deine Kreativität zu zeigen! Ob du Anfänger oder schon DIY-Profi bist, dieser Workshop ist für alle. Wir führen dich Schritt für Schritt durch den Prozess, damit du dein einzigartiges leuchtendes Abzeichen bauen kannst! Was ist enthalten: Bereitgestellte Materialien: - Ein Schaltkreis-Set mit bunten LEDs - Lötkolben und alle benötigten Werkzeuge - Dekorationsmaterialien, um dein Abzeichen individuell zu gestalten! Was du brauchst: - Nur deine Kreativität und Neugier! Du wirst lernen: - Sicher und effektiv zu löten - Wie Schaltkreise funktionieren, um dein Abzeichen zum Leuchten zu bringen - Design-Tipps, um dein leuchtendes Abzeichen zu personalisieren Am Ende des Workshops wirst du stolz mit deinem leuchtenden Abzeichen und neuen Fähigkeiten dastehen, die deine Freunde beeindrucken werden. Es ist eine spaßige und kreative Möglichkeit, die Grundlagen der Elektronik zu lernen und mit Löten zu experimentieren! 🎟️ Kosten: [Preis einfügen] (inkl. aller Materialien) 👩👧 Eltern und Begleitpersonen: Ihr könnt gerne mitmachen oder euch entspannen, während die Kinder ihre leuchtenden Kunstwerke erschaffen! Melde dich jetzt an und lass dein Design strahlen!
Details (Bullet Points)
Answer participants' questions before they ask:
- When and Where? Date, time, location.
- Who Can Join? Age group, skill level, or prerequisites.
- What’s Provided? Tools, materials, or snacks.
- What to Bring? (If anything.)
Example Details (German):
- Wann und Wo? Samstag, 16. Dezember, 15–18 Uhr, CoMakingSpace Heidelberg.
- Für wen? Kinder ab 10 Jahren und Erwachsene, keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich.
- Was wird bereitgestellt? Alle Materialien und Werkzeuge.
- Kosten? 10 € pro Person (inkl. Material).
Creating a Preview Picture
Why It’s Important:
A good image grabs attention and conveys what the workshop is about.
AI Tip
You can create an image for a Workshop using AI Tools. The following prompts can serve as an example
Example Prompt (English): Create an illustration of a hands-on soldering workshop where participants build light-up badges. Include tools like soldering irons and colorful LEDs. Please do not include humans.
Example Prompt (German): Erstelle eine Illustration eines praktischen Löt-Workshops, bei dem Teilnehmer leuchtende Abzeichen bauen. Zeige Werkzeuge wie Lötkolben und bunte LEDs. Bitte stelle keine Menschen im Bild dar.
Planning for Materials
Most workshops will need some kind of Materials for the attendees. A lot of materials can just be bought by the space without needing too much alignment. Please provide a list of materials needed for the workshop to one of the Managers. The list should consist of:
- Material description
- Price
- Shop Link
- Please do NOT provide a link to eBay
- # of pieces needed per participant
Setting up a Registration Form
Of course, your workshop we will need an registration form! If you provide all the information above to a Manager, this should be a breeze. However, there are some decisions, you will need to take (jointly with a manager):
- Costs of the workshop
- Many workshops can be offered for free. However, sometimes it is beneficial to charge a small amount to either cover material costs (in case of expensive workshops) or to reduce the risk of no-shows. Let´s decide together what is best for your workshop!
- Number of participants
- Hosting a workshop for as many people as possible might sound exciting. However, it can also be stressful and overwhelming. While it might sound like a good idea to plan with helpers, it is a good practice to plan the workshop for just as many participants as you can handle alone! With this, any help from others is an added benefit and will make the workshop even better and more rewarding for everybody 😊
Advertising the Workshop
Once the managers agreed to your event and you have scheduled the time slot, it needs to be advertised. For this, we have multiple possibilities:
- To be done by one of the managers
- CoMakingSpace calendar
- Pretix (for the registration form)
- Meetup
- Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (if there is time)
- Newsletter (if there is time)
- Instagram (perhaps not the most effective for events, but let's see)
- Can be done by you
- Mailing List
- Telegram Group
- "Maker Community HD" WhatsApp Group
- Heidelberg.de
- Make: calendar
- If you have enough time: Poster (has to be ordered latest 6 weeks before the event!)
- Create a wiki page collecting information and material (Category:Seminars)
Conclusion: You’ve Got This!
Planning may feel overwhelming at first, but focusing on a great description and engaging visuals will set your workshop up for success. Don’t hesitate to ask for support, and remember: every successful workshop begins with solid preparation!
Recurring Events
- International 3D Printing Day (Dec 3rd each year)
- Arduino/Genuino Day (Apr 1st or 2nd each year)
- RepairCafé (at the Space about twice a year)
- third Saturday in October: International Repair Day
- Makers' BBQ
- movie night/LAN party for Long 3D Prints
- Freifunk router flashing party
- hackathons
- Fundraiser Gigs (we should encourage local music makers that have original music to showcase their creations and help us raise funds at the same time)
Seminar Ideas
If you have an idea for a cool seminar, there is a separate page for that!