User talk:Keno

From CoMakingSpace Wiki

Revision as of 17:56, 25 January 2019 by Keno (talk | contribs)

Let me know when you want to make some toys. I might join you and make some for my niece as well!--NitramLegov (talk) 23:40, 20 January 2019 (CET)

Ich fang jetzt erstmal mit einer super simplen Tigerente und Holzbauklötzen an. Bin die nächsten Wochen sicherlich Mittwochs und Freitags vor Ort, sprich mich einfach an =) Keno (talk) 20:27, 23 January 2019 (CET)
Sehr cool, ich dokumentiere wie versprochen auch bald mal meine Brettspiele - hatte gerade kurz Zeit, um schonmal die Kategorie "Toys & Games" für solche Projekte anzulegen :-) --Lukas (talk) 10:58, 25 January 2019 (CET)
Nice! Hab mal eine Seite für die Tigerente angelegt. Könntest du da die Fotos hochladen, die du am Mittwoch gemacht hast? Schaffe es übrigens heute leider nicht zu kommen... Völlig vergessen, dass wir Leute eingeladen haben. Damn Priorities. Keno (talk) 16:52, 25 January 2019 (CET)
PS: From the SUSPENsion Board project: At the open day 2018 Lukas showed a board game he made, based on an American board game SUSPENsion. I wanted to recreate something similar for a Christmas present, but the board should also be useable as a shot glass stand. Dude has his priorities right. I love it.