Introduction Day

From CoMakingSpace Wiki

Revision as of 01:15, 30 July 2022 by NitramLegov (talk | contribs) (E-Mail Template)

Introduction Days are special events at the CoMakingSpace where we dedicate specific days on giving a variety of introductions to our members. These days are planned on demand and depend heavily on the availability of our tutors. If you would like to ensure you are notified at the next introduction day, please make sure to sign yourself up on our waiting lists.

Planning an Introduction Day

If you would like to offer an introduction day to our members, the following (rough) steps would be needed:

  1. Check availability of tutors (best via Slack)
  2. Check waiting lists for high demand introductions
  3. Match tutors against high demand introductions
  4. Define, which introductions will be given when
  5. Inform people on the waiting lists and give them 2-3 days for signing up
  6. Inform all members on open spots

We have made good experiences with introduction days starting at 10am and ending at 4pm with a lunch break between 12am and 1pm.

As a maximum amount of members per introduction, we have made good experiences with 4 members max

For signing up to the introductions, you can use the poll app in our Nextcloud. Some good practices are listed below (and shown on the left)

Introduction Day - Poll Settings.png
  1. Indicate the date in the title of the poll
  2. Limit "yes" votes per option to 4
  3. Hide the results from others
  4. Share the poll with other supervisors and tutors (if somebody does not have a Nextcloud account yet, reach out to Martin.

Planning Helper

If you are planning an introduction day, use the following table as a helper (replace the names with the available tutors of course):

Introduction day planning table
Martin Luzian Johannes Patrick
10:00 Laser Cutter CNC Router Woodworking basics:

Chop Saw

Circular Saw



Shop Vac

12:00 Lunch Break
13:00 Handheld Router Metal Lathe CNC Router Laser Cutter
15:00 3D Printer Table Saw
15:30 Compressor
16:00 End

E-Mail Template

Usually, we send out the invitations to the people on the waiting lists a few days earlier than to all the other members.

For this, we use the "E-Mail User" functionality of our wiki. The following provides a template that can be used for sending out these E-Mails:

Hallo Maker,

wir bieten am <<DATE>> wieder einen Introduction Day an, bei dem unter Anderem die <<MACHINE NAME> auf dem Plan steht.

Um das Ganze ein wenig planbarer zu machen nutzen wir für den Tag ein Buchungssystem.

Falls du am <<DATE>> Zeit hast melde dich bitte unter folgendem Link für die Einweisung an:


Achtung: Da du auf der Waiting List stehst erhältst du früher Zugriff auf diese Terminbuchung. Falls die Termine am <<DEADLINE_WEEKDAY>> (<<DEADLINE>>) noch nicht voll sind werde ich die Buchungsseite an die restlichen Mitglieder schicken.

Viele Grüße,