CNC Router Workholding

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Revision as of 23:48, 1 July 2018 by NitramLegov (talk | contribs) (small formatting change)

A working CNC Router will apply strong forces to your workpiece. If it is not properly secured, it can break or even get shot through the room, causing serious damage to the equipment and to you!
Therefore, securing your workpiece is a mandatory step before starting a job on the Router. For this securing, multiple techniques exist:


No matter how you choose to secure your workpiece, please think about adding tabs to your workpiece. Fusion 360 supports adding tabs in your CAM setup.
Makezine provides a good overview about different possibilities for properly securing your workpiece.


In the CNC Room, a set of 4 3D-printed clamps is available, which can be attached to your workpiece. They need to be securely attached to the spoiler board using screws, which are also available within the CNC Room. In case the clamps break, please reprint them.


You can also choose to attach your workpiece to the spoiler plate using regular screws. Please ensure you are using screws, which are shorter then the spoiler plate, since otherwise you will be screwing into metal.