Air Cleaners

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Revision as of 16:30, 10 August 2023 by Lukas (talk | contribs)

We have two "Record Power AC400" air cleaners installed in the wood workshop to get rid of fine dust. Please use them while and after you're sanding, working with hardwood, grinding stone, etc - if in doubt, turn it on!

Air cleaner remote.jpg

The remote can be found on the wall near the chop saw and needs to be aimed at the side of the filter that has the status panel.

Air cleaner status panel.jpg

You can set three different power settings that are indicated by the bottom LEDs (left to right: "Hi", "Mid", "Low") and three different shutdown timers (top LEDs, left to right: 1, 2 and 4 hours).


Air is cleaned in two stages by a 5 micron prefilter and a 1 micron filter.

Replacement filters should be in the office, please alert someone if you feel a filter might be "full". The inner filter can also be cleaned (see manual)!