QR Code
QR Codes ("Quick Response Code") are two-dimensional barcodes which can be used to print information in a machine-readable format.
They are heavily used in order to share static information with smartphone users. Most barcode scanning apps are capable of reading QR-Codes.
QR Codes at the Space
There is a sign next to our Wifi Router in the Common Room which provides the credentials for our Network. It provides a barcode which can be scanned so that you do not have to type in the password manually.
Help the Space
Our "Help the Space" signs provide a barcode which leads to the issue tracker
Crawler for tool infoboxes
You can find the [wikicrawler] script in the common files repository on github.
It is a python script which can be used in order to print the InfoBoxes from the wiki pages. It will replace the picture in the infobox with a QR-Code which leads to the corresponding wiki page. In case of a new tool, it is capable of scanning only one specific page, which can then be printed and places next to the tool in the space.