
From CoMakingSpace Wiki


Quick Info

Lexboreas Userpic.jpg
Name: Alexander
Expertise: staying curious
eMail: alexander(dot)santel@gmail(dot)com
GitHub: BananaBirb

About me

Hi fellow Wiki-browser, I am Alex, but go under my username Lexboreas that is quite old (and used for a lot of other accounts as well). I came in probably late 2019 across the CoMakingSpace and also had a little prior experience with another project/fablab/makerspace-environment in NRW, Bochum at the Ruhr-University. My background is a biologist who is now working in the publishing industry after Corona, but I also was always interested in other stuff like wanting to learn how to code, building electronics but also things like woodworking for example. I began fairly late into my life with these interests, for example having build my first PC or building my own Vinyl-shelf when i was well into my mid twenties. Better late than never I guess.


Besides tinkering with stuff and trying to use all the opportunities at the space and learn as much as I can, I am very much into music, movies and gaming at varying degrees. Also into good food, great conversations about whatever you want, ranging from fart jokes to philosophy.Usually more on the quiet side, so you may have to 'tickle' me sometimes to warm up, but if I am at room temperature, fun to be around I hope. Besides the Makerspace I am also active in the ChancenGestalten e.V. Heidelberg which helps refugees and migrants to find social connections in Heidelberg and Vicinity.


Projects so far have been far and few in between, also thanks to Corona, but consisted (so far) mainly of:

  • (stealing Idea from User:NitramLegov) or rather getting help directly in form of the Wood-workshop of having raised garden beds with hopefully in the future an automatic watering system! And I just needed space for some of my plants. Take a look at it yourself: Project:Plant_Watering
  • 3D-printing a Keyswitch-Opener and also a Zip-Line to repair one that was broken off from my bag. The designs are not mine, Thingiverse-Links will follow. Ultimately abandoned this because both broke very quickly and did not provide a reliable alternative
  • as I saw at a tool introduction that there was no support to store the Heatgun, I thought about designing and printing one for the space. Will be updated and get a page here when it is done.
  • Coiled Cables with additional connector are the latest hot shit in the keyboard community, can come in pretty handy and look gorgeous. However, they are also pretty expensive. So why not make your own and learn something on the way? Page will be updated once ready and documented extensively