Lab Power Supplies

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Power supplies are an essential tool for working with electronics [citation needed]. They come in various different shapes and sizes reaching from "wall warts", usually with a fixed voltage, to adjustable laboratory supplies. For usage it is important to know the specifications of the supply e.g. the maximum current and voltage output. For the most part power supplies output DC; for AC have a look at a transformer.

Adjustable Power Supplies


Adjustable Power Supply

Adjustable Power Supplies.JPG
Synonyms: DE: Labornetzteil
Access Requirements: Read the Wiki PageSome use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "".
Tutors: Some use of "" in your query was not closed by a matching "".

Adjustable power supplies, sometimes also referred to as laboratory power supplies, can be set up to output various currents or voltages within their specification. Some supplies can only be set to a given voltage, while others can also limit the current to a maximum value.

They are normally used for powering electronic circuits as they can output a broad range of voltages and can protect circuits from too high currents trough a current limit. Most laboratory supplies have isolated outputs meaning they are not referenced to ground. This allows for combining multiple supplies (in series or in parallel) to increase voltage of current and avoid shorts while working on grounded devices. To check whether a supply is isolated, take a look at the outputs. If there is, besides the positive and negative, a third (usually green) terminal then the supply is isolated. This third terminal is directly connected to ground, so in order to reference the supply to ground connect one of the outputs to it. Have a look at the manual in case something isn't clear or ask one of the tutors for the Electronics Room.

RND 320-KD3005D


RND 320-KD3005D

RND 320-KD3005D.JPG
Synonyms: DE: Labornetzteil
Type: Lab Power Supplies
Location: Electronics Area
Access Requirements: Read the Wiki Page
Status: Working

    • regulated power supply with max 30V/5A output
    • adjustment in 10 mV or 1 mA steps

Voltcraft HPS-13015


Voltcraft HPS-13015

Voltcraft HPS-13015.JPG
Synonyms: DE: Labornetzteil
Type: Lab Power Supplies
Location: Electronics Area
Access Requirements: Read the Wiki Page
Status: Working

This tool is not ready for use yet since not all commissioning steps have been completed. The process is not yet tracked on GitHub. Feel free to contribute to making it usable, any help is very welcome!

Task comment Status
Name the tool: - done
Take a picture - done
Find the manual as PDF found at done
Documentation this page, status: in commissioning pending
Print QR-Code use the wikicrawler pending
Introduction - not needed
Security Check to be done or witnessed by a manager pending
Test to be done or witnessed by a manager pending
tool's name, owner and approx. value provide to Johannes for inventorization pending
Last step: make it available physically and in the wiki - then delete this template pending

Voltcraft LPS1305


Voltcraft LPS1305

Voltcraft LPS1305.JPG
Synonyms: DE: Labornetzteil
Type: Lab Power Supplies
Location: Electronics Area
Access Requirements: Read the Wiki Page
Status: Working
Manual: Conrad Produktinfo