Material:Super Glue

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Super Glue

Synonyms: cyanoacrylate, CA glue; DE: Sekundenkleber
Suggested Tools: clamps

Super glue is an adhesive for bonding almost all kinds of materials together.

According to UHU, it is suitable for porcelain, ceramics, metals, wood, rubber and many plastics but not for PE, PP, styrofoam, textiles and leather.

In contrast to wood glue, it also works reasonably well on painted surfaces and without much pressure. However, wood glue will give you a much better bond and is cheaper so you would rather use that in the majority of cases.


Super glue sticks very well to human skin...


You can use heat (around 150°C), acetone or nail polish remover (usually containing acetone) to remove it.

Properly applied glue is supposed to be water resistant and even dishwasher safe.