Handheld Circular Saw Introduction

From CoMakingSpace Wiki

This is the content required for an introduction to our circular saw - reading this does NOT replace the mandatory session with a tutor! It will make it a lot quicker though ;-)

Let's begin! First off, make sure you have read the machine's manual.



  • sawdust and small splinters can fly towards the operator and others
  • sharp and rotating exposed blade - will keep spinning for a bit after turning the power off!


  • hook up a shop vac, but be careful to connect the appropriated adapter for the Herkules saw
  • wear goggles and ear defenders!
  • dust mask: depending on the material you're cutting
  • get a helper who can hold your cutoff (depending on the size it) so it doesn't fall down
  • make sure the cutting path is free of obstacles (except your workpiece of course)
  • let the saw start before touching the workpiece
  • keep the saw secure after your cut until is has come to a complete stop


The tutor will show you these steps in detail: