Plenum/Meeting minutes/2022-05-11
Here's the list so far - please don't hesitate to add more! If you won't be able to attend, you can add your comments here or in the discussion to take part anyway :-)
TOP 1: Plenum Cycle and Role of the Plenum
The Plenum frequency has been adjusted as per the last plenum's vote. The votes regarding frequency are very evenly distributed. As a result ,we will convene every second month for now.
Additionally, we added some tools to facilitate plenum discussion. The slack channel #topic-plenum is now available to post suggestions for the plenum, and to facilitate initial discussions. If you find discussions that you would like to add to the plenum topics, you can react with the new :plenum: emoji, and the topic will automatically be linked. The emoji reaction currently only works in #general, but will be extended to other channels, if successful.
Additionally, recent discussions have shown that the role of the plenum discussions need to be reiterated: This is a place to discuss current topics, find collaborators and network with others, not to form executive decisions. All decisions are taken by the management, which takes plenary discussions into account.
TOP 2: Food Sharing
We are currently being supplied with food from a food-sharing project. There will be a short introduction on how this works, and why we do it.
TOP 3: Repair Cafe
The repair café was a resounding success! You can find pictures in #topic-repair. This was the first repair café to exceed an 80% repair rate!
TOP 4: Flyer Design - Call for Participation (PR team)
We did a photoshooting two weeks ago and we would like to design some new flyers and the PR team needs some ideas. Big THANK YOU goes to Steffi and Andreas for organizing this!
The themes we would like to do are two-fold: Flyers targeting needs of people and "make your idea".
Examples for the first theme are "not enough space for your workshop", "landlord doesn't allow dusty machines", "joining a maker community", etc.
The second theme is "no matter how crazy your idea - we've got the means to make them" (example to the left). We've got so many cool projects that we could use for this - our camper conversions, the cello lamp, ironman helmet, meso cabinet, etc. Feel free to add yours!
TOP 5: Women in Space
The discussion on how to make the space more accessible for women has come up again. The management agreed to start a systematic interview of women in the space to evaluate the best ways of improving the situation. This initial step will be coordinated by a team of women, and the suggestions will later be discussed publicly in the plenum.
TOP 6: New Bike Repair Tools
The new bike repair tools are ready and available for use in the Space!
Recap of the last plenum
Plenum/Meeting minutes/2022-02-02
New (and newly available) tools at the space
=> also see "Wish List"