(Redirected from Weld)
Welding is basically the art of "gluing" metal with molten metal. One way to generate the required heat is to use an electric arc (arc welding), a very common approach with several variants:
- SMAW (shielded metal arc welding/"stick welding")
- MIG/MAG (metal inert gas/metal active gas) welding
- TIG (tungsten inert gas) welding
- ...
General Safety
As you might expect from an activity including high electric current, extremely bright light and molten metal, welding comes with many dangers! Do your part so nothing bad will happen.
Personal Protection
When welding, always wear
- properly shaded welding helmet
- safety glasses for when the helmet is up
- welding gloves
- welding jacket
- cotton clothing (you don't want synthetic fibers to melt on you!)
- solid, closed shoes (hot sparks burn through the thin mesh on sneakers)
Suitable Materials
Not all metals can be welded, and some only with certain welding techniques! Your introduction by a tutor will cover the basics, but you may have to do some research yourself in case of more exotic metals.
In any case, do NOT weld galvanized steel! The zinc in the surface coating produces a highly unhealthy gas when burned.
Due to the smoke and less visible gases involved, we ask you to weld outside in our welding enclosure outside the metal workshop! The curtains will also prevent others from looking into the arc.
See Also
- video introduction to many welding risks and good practices
- Lincoln Electric on welding safety
- Engelmann Schweißtechnik: Fachwissen (DE) - good summaries on safety and different techniques
Project Ideas
- Welding Projects by Lincoln Electric (few details, but lots of inspiration!)
Pages in category "Welding"
The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.