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Calipers are precise measuring tools that help you determine inner, outer or depth measurements. While you use different parts of the tool to measure, the scale to look at is always the same.


Digital Caliper


Digital Caliper

Synonyms: DE: Digitale Schieblehre,
Digitaler Messschieber, Digitaler Kaliber
Type: hand tool
Material: anything solid
Location: wood workshop
Access Requirements: read this page

A digital caliper is a rather precise measuring tool essential for tasks like gauging screws and designing functional parts. Unless someone miscalibrated it (just check that it reads "0.00" when completely closed) it is very easy to use.

The device is turned on automatically by moving the slider, but please remember to turn it off manually after use in order to preserve the battery!

Modification Ideas

Cheap digital calipers are precise enough for most hobby users and lend themselves to hacking as they can be zeroed in any position. If we get some extras, "cutting them up" or installing them in fixtures like a height/depth gauge might greatly increase our measuring options!

Vernier Caliper


Vernier Caliper

Vernier Caliper.JPG
Synonyms: DE: Nonius-Schieblehre,
Nonius-Messschieber, Nonius-Kaliber
Type: hand tool/measuring
Material: anything solid
Location: Lukas' workbench
Access Requirements: ask Lukas

A vernier caliper is "only" analogue but accurate to less than a millimeter: your reading of digits after the point is taken where the lower (fine) scale lines up exactly with the upper (rough) scale.

To move the slider, release the brake with your thumb otherwise the brake will wear out quickly.