
From CoMakingSpace Wiki

Revision as of 00:54, 7 July 2021 by AlexBaumgart (talk | contribs) (Change lenguage to Englisch in my self description)
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my name is Alex. I'm actually from Mannheim, working as a psychologist in the Rhein-Neckar-area and I'm interested in all kind of "making-stuff".

I've started with custom case mods in my adolescence, paused my handcrafting sensation by end of school to dive deeper in to mechanic and electric adventures by beginning to drive motorcycle.

So nearly 11 years ago I've begun to collect tools and knowlegde and since have been looking for new challenges while working with wood, metal, electrics and other materials.

Crafting and working on creative or necessary projects for daily life and living with my famliy has been a perfect compensation for everyday work.

At home I've got a small workshop in my garage offering too little space for too many tools and machines. So I am thrilled to start some bigger and engaging projects in the ComakingSpace from now on.

I'm responsive for new ideas and impulse and I would like to get in contact with you to participate from your practical and theoretical knowledge.

So don't be afraid if someone tries to look over your shoulder and sound out about your experiences and projects.

Feel free to get in touch - on- or offline.
