Project:PC Desk Top

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Revision as of 09:14, 15 October 2021 by Ronanb (talk | contribs)


Desk top for a widescreen monitor

Status: Done
Release Date: 2021-10-10
Initiator: User:Ronanb
Materials Used: Plywood, lumber, varnish, screws, glue, previous desk's legs and drawers
Tools Used: hand saws, hand plane, cordless drill, clamps
Approx. Cost: 70e


A cheap desk that fits comfortably and solidly my setup.


The big screen weights 12kg and the included foot cannot be used, the huge legs eat all the room on the des. A strong built-in screen support is needed.

There are more than 30 cables running between the PC, power strips and all the accessories: a sane(ish) cable management is critical.

The speakers should be at the desk level, as wide-spaced as possible, without obstructions

The desk surface needs some resistance to spilled liquids (except strong alcohols or thinners like white spirit or acetone)


The previous desk was the cheapest Ikea one with modifications around the creen: - holes drilled near the left corner for cables - power stripe zip-tied to the bottom left of the desk - a very janky shelf. The shelf's support is made by two legs going behind the screen, screwed to the top using L brackets. The shelf is only supported from the rear.

Issues: - the shelf had a big cutout made so that the webcam could fit (this was a test, to check if the cut-out was a big problem or not) - the shelf's support legs are screwed to the desk top which is of MDF+cardboard: any serious weight on the shelf will bring it down on the screen, which is not cheap nor easy to replace.
