Material:Bicycle Inner Tube

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(Redirected from Fahrradschlauch)


Bicycle Inner Tube

Bicycle inner tube.jpg
Synonyms: cycling inner tubes;
DE: Fahrradschlauch
Suggested Tools: shop scissors
Contains: rubber

Not just cycling, but UPcycling! Ba-dumm tsss...

When working with inner tube as a material, make sure to wash all pieces it with soapy water to remove the talcum powder on the inside and potential contaminations on the outside.

Caution: stay away from "no-flat" tubes! Those are treated as hazardous waste due to the chemicals inside.


  • you can "weave" rings of inner tube into cool accessories like a backpack cargo net
  • need to secure a wine bottle in a piece of wood for some reason? Inner tube is your friend!
  • rings glued together side-to-side make super simple soap holders
  • make your own extra strong (although short) rubber bands!