From CoMakingSpace Wiki
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Projects from the 1980s
Turning bottle caps into buttons. This project was very famous among my school mates. I sold those buttons for 10 DM each. I made about 50 of them.
Pompon puppets - I made a few of these just for fun. Most of them turned out to be little monsters.
I liked to draw, mostly B/W pencil drawings. Since I left school, my drawing skills dropped dramatically :(
Project from the late 1990s
My first serious atempt to work with wood. I polished it and combined it with other materials like crystals, copper wire inlays, leather straps.
Projects from the 2000s
From the scratch build of a PC case. Aluminum Cube, cooled with water. The whole making can be found at
I modded two more cases to water cooling. A coolermaster Stacker tower case and a noname case