Card Scrapers

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(Redirected from Ziehklinge)


Card Scrapers

Handled card scraper.jpg
Synonyms: cabinet scrapers, floor scrapers, (handled variant), "scrapers"; DE: Ziehklingen
Material: wood
Location: Glueing Area
Similar (More or Less): sandpaper

Card scrapers are pulled or pushed over a workpiece to smoothen it by removing extremely thin shavings. After planing, you can use them instead of sandpaper to get the final surface quality just right!

Many are flexible and they come in a variety of shapes to fit all kinds of workpieces.

the shavings are extremely thin


Card scrapers do not have a cutting edge, but rather a "burr": a tiny curl at the edge which can shave the wood. To restore a worn down burr, the edge is struck with a hard metal rod: the "burnisher".

Further Reading