Project:Sharpening Station

From CoMakingSpace Wiki


Self-Built Sharpening Station

Status: planning
Initiator: Martin, Lukas
Team: who else would like to help?

Let's turn the grinding table into a versatile and efficient sharpening station! Before we start, we should make sure to include as many features as possible :-)


Feel free to add more ideas!

  • power tools on a lockable rotating top ("Lazy Susan")?
    • problems with a flip-top: wet grinder would drip, lots of space occupied underneath
    • already include room for a belt grinder we will build at some point?
    • it should be possible to change grinding media (wheels, belts etc.) without detaching the tools from the station
  • bench grinder(s) should be fitted with "Wolverine One Way"-style sharpening jigs
  • drawer for sharpening stones at a comfortable height (right below the top)
    • stable & lockable in the extended position so the stones don't have to be removed for sharpening - if we are comfortable with liquids in there
    • or just a tray? could be filled with something like this and taken to a free workbench for use
  • easy-to reach middle section: accessory storage
    • small jigs
    • loose abrasive powders
    • suitable small files (those for sharpening often have at least one smooth side)
  • near the floor: rarely used equipment
    • e.g. dressing stones (Abrichtsteine)
  • mobile or rather solid/fixed? It wouldn't really need wheels in our current metal workshop

There should also be some sharpening stations in the "Woodworking Idea Book" in the common room bookshelf!