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Washers can be used to increase the effective size of a screw head or nut in order to protect the material beneath or to keep the screw from slipping through a hole. They are also used as spacers, but if you need more than just a bit of a gap it might be a good idea to cut a matching length of pipe instead of using lots of stacked washers.

It's also possible to laser cut rings out of free laser scraps - maybe those could even be sunk with "3D engrave" to obtain Schraubenrosetten? Please let us know if you've tried!

This page mainly shows you what sizes we have in stock. DIN 125 washers are "regular" washers; DIN 9021 washers are fender washers (DE: Karosseriescheiben) with OD (outer diameter) = 3 × ID (inner diameter).

Plain Washers


Plain Washers

Synonyms: flat washers;
DE: Unterlegscheiben, Beilagscheiben, DIN 125
On Site? yes (M3-4-5-6-8)
Location: wood workshop
Suggested Tools:
Used with: screws, nuts
Contains: galvanized steel
Similar (More or Less): Schraubenrosetten

Here's what you should be able to find on site:

ID OD thickness
3.2 mm 7 mm 0.5 mm
4.3 mm 9 mm 0.8 mm
5.3 mm 10 mm 1 mm
6.4 mm 12 mm 1.6 mm
8.4 mm - nearly empty 16 mm 1.6 mm

Fender Washers


Fender Washers

Fender washers.jpg
Synonyms: penny washers; DE: Kotflügelscheiben,
Karosseriescheiben, DIN 9021,
"Unterlegscheiben großer Außendurchmesser"
On Site? yes (see table)
Location: common room
Suggested Tools:
Used with: screws, nuts
Contains: galvanized steel

Fender washers have a very large outer diameter and are commonly used when joining thin sheet materials together.

ID OD thickness suggested donation
3.2 mm 8.8 mm 0.75 mm 1 ct
4.3 mm 11.85 mm 1.05 mm 1 ct
5.3 mm 14.75 mm 1.2 mm 1 ct
6.4 mm 17.7 mm 1.55 mm 2 ct
8.4 mm 23.6 mm 1.95 mm 3 ct