Event Ideas

From CoMakingSpace Wiki

Here we collect events that are either too far in the future, too complicated or too vague to plan right now. However, the basic ideas should not be lost and soon they just may become concrete enough to realize. Please add your ideas and let us know if you would like to help organize any of these!

Organize an Event

Organizing an event can be quite some work. Therefore, any help you can provide to the managers will be appreciated.
In order to support the scheduling and marketing of your event, please provide the following information to the managers (e.g. by sending an E-Mail to info [ät] comaking.space):

  • In German and English if your event will be bilingual:
  1. Title of your event
  2. Description of your event (written like if you would talk to a person attending)
  3. Prerequisites (e.g. a Laptop)
  • In either language
  1. Time needed
  2. Possible dates and times
  3. Image - e.g. a prototype you've already made, a screenshot or a kind of "flyer"

Once the managers agreed to your event and you've scheduled an appropriate time slot, it needs to be advertised. For this, we have multiple possibilities:

Recurring Events

  • International 3D Printing Day (Dec 3rd each year)
  • Arduino/Genuino Day (Apr 1st or 2nd each year)
  • RepairCafé (at the Space about twice a year)
    • third Saturday in October: International Repair Day


  • Makers' BBQ
  • movie night/LAN party for Long 3D Prints
  • Freifunk router flashing party
  • hackathons
  • Fundraiser Gigs (we should encourage local music makers that have original music to showcase their creations and help us raise funds at the same time)

Seminar Ideas

If you have an idea for a cool seminar, there is a separate page for that!